“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, the flame shall not consume you.” –Isaiah 43:2
Have you ever gotten news that felt like a gut punch? Maybe it was a life-threatening illness, or a cancer diagnosis for yourself, or a loved one. Maybe your spouse of 20 some years tells you that they do not feel the same about the marriage. It could be the sudden death of someone important in your life. Maybe your employer of 15 years is telling you that they must terminate your position and now you are out of work. How will you pay the bills? What will your future hold without health, financial security, emotional stability or companionship?
All of us have had to face hard things. It is not a matter of if we face them, but when. This can lead to a season of doubt, doubting yourself and doubting God. We can know that when those hard times come, we are not alone. We have a faithful God who will never leave us and who always works for good in our life.
In Isaiah 43:2 God offers a profound reminder to the people of Israel that His faithfulness does not change with their circumstances. God was faithful in the past and will continue to protect and provide for them. His presence is unwavering.
Listen again to the words.
“When you pass through the waters…” God empowered Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt after 400 years of slavery. God made a way for them to escape Egypt’s army by parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk straight through (Exodus 14).
“When you pass through rivers…” These words of Isaiah likely reminded Israel of the time when God dried up the Jordan River so that they could cross with the Lord’s Ark of the Covenant into the land God had promised them. (Joshua 3).
“When you walk through fire…” In the book of Daniel, three men - Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - were thrown into a fiery furnace after refusing to worship an idol instead of God. They were saved and delivered from being consumed by that fire (Daniel 3). At the time of Isaiah’s writing this event had not yet occurred, but God’s words did come to pass.

Although I have not experienced literal seas or high waters, I can relate to them figuratively. I think of a time when someone with whom I was very close to chose to become quite distant emotionally. I tailspinned into a deep depression that felt overwhelming, as if I was sucked down into a whirlpool that held me captive emotionally. I felt abandoned, unloved and found myself stuck in some dark, negative thoughts. I really did not see that life was worth living.
Just when I was about to give up all hope, I could hear God whispering to me that I was His child and that I was never alone. Not even in the middle of that whirlpool. Amidst God’s sweet presence, I felt the heavy weight of those waters of despair lift. The circumstances of the lost relationship had not changed, but I was profoundly changed when I discovered that God was with me through those “high waters”. I knew I was no longer abandoned and alone.
God has also protected me through the “fires” of trial. I think of the financial hardships, the long-distance moves, long job searches, and the loss of dear family members and friends. Each time I felt despair and could not see a favorable outcome, my faithful God provided a way through the storm in His perfect timing. Looking back, I can see so many positive opportunities that God somehow brought about from difficult situations.
As we look back on God's faithfulness, let us remember that the same God who led an entire nation to freedom and saved three men from a fiery furnace is with us today, guiding us through every trial and uncertainty. God’s promise of hope and faith in Isaiah is still here, available for us. Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past can help us trust Him with our future, knowing that our Creator will continue to protect and provide for us.
Even when you’re faced with the worst-case scenario, God is not surprised by what surprises you because He’s already gone ahead before you. No matter what happens in life, the trials and difficulties will never get to have the final say. God is faithful and powerful and still providing and protecting His children. Nothing can stand against the power of our God in your life.
As you think back on your life, how have you seen God’s faithfulness? And how can these memories help you trust God with your future? What challenge do you need God’s help with today? Invite your Creator right into the heart of it, knowing he will faithfully guide you through.
Loving and faithful God, you know what I am facing. Draw near and remind me of your past faithfulness. Restore my hope and my joy. Teach me how to place my trust in your unfailing love. In Jesus’ name, my steady source of hope and love, Amen.

Marla Waldron is a devoted daughter of the Heavenly Father, and she embraces her roles as a sister, wife, mother, teacher, and friend with grace and dedication. For 35 years, she has served as a public school educator, mentoring countless beginning teachers and currently working as an Intervention Specialist with Kindergarten students. In her local church and community, Marla faithfully contributes by volunteering at food and clothing banks, participating in fundraising events, and actively engaging in, as well as leading, small group Bible studies for The Dented Fender Ministry. A mother of three grown children, Marla has also taken on the responsibility of caring for her 50-year-old brother with multiple handicaps since their father's passing. Despite facing dark tunnels of grief and self-doubt, Marla has learned to lean on God’s grace, holding tightly to His truths and trusting in His guidance one step at a time. She and her husband live in Ohio, embracing the unpredictable ride of life with faith and resilience.
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