I love the outdoors. When I lived in Flagstaff, Arizona, there was a National Park trailhead not more than 30 seconds away from my home. I could hike to my heart’s content, inhaling the woodsy fresh scent of the Ponderosa pines, their fallen needles cushioning my every step as I explored the beauty around me. The night sky was so clean and clear, I could see the milky way galaxy just walking out into my backyard. If I took even a few minutes of time, I could easily find a falling star to wish upon. It was, in a word, gorgeous! Being there filled my soul.
I have also lived in places that were anything but gorgeous. There was no innate beauty around me to admire, no nearby natural escapes to wander through. The main parts of town looked unkempt and forlorn. The landscape was monotonous and uninspiring. If I wasn't careful, it could drag at my spirit.
I have found life can be much the same way. What God wants for each one of us is a beautiful, amazing journey along a pathway specifically designed for us, much like a well-marked hiking trail filled with opportunities to pause and savor the beauty along the way. Yet all too often, we get so busy making our plans, setting our goals and striving for some future date or situation, that we miss the daily choices and decisions God lays before us that allow our forward movement toward that beautiful, rich path. Our life begins to feel like drudgery because we keep treading the same old rutted, well-worn road we understand but don’t deeply enjoy. We know we want better, but we don’t stop long enough to listen each and every day for the ways the Lord is trying to direct us to the bountiful journey He has marked out for each of us.
In Psalm 32:8, God says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.”
For me, this means taking time out in every day to connect with God, to allow His peace to wash over me, and to be in tune with His voice so I can see the road signs He has laid out for me; not for some future date, but for this very day. Even if others jump in on my path, making it feel dark and scary, I know God is right there, holding my hand, leading me to “fresh paths of adventure, revealing to [me] things [I] did not know,” to quote Sarah Young.
Then I can say to God in return, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance,” (Psalm 32:7), and “Blessed be God—he heard me praying. He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown in in my lot with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him,” (Psalm 28:7).
FOR FURTHER THOUGHT: This week, consider setting aside a moment to connect with God in a way that feels restorative to you. If stepping outdoors isn’t an option, try sitting by a window, observing the beauty in small things like the patterns of snowflakes or the rustling of trees. Or spend time journaling or listening to worship music. Reflect on the ways God’s presence and guidance show up in your everyday life. How might you create intentional moments to pause, listen, and align with the path He has for you?
PRAYER: Lord, thank you that you are for me, not against me. No matter what surrounds me, help me to remember that Your beauty is always right there - I simply need to pause and reach within to where You are. When I find myself on well-worn paths of shame, fear, control or performance, remind me to look up and see Your hand guiding me to that richer path. Thank you for giving me the courage to walk in Your ways as only You can. Praise You Papa. Amen.
Barb is a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. She holds Bachelor's Degrees in International History and Education, as well as a Master’s Degree in Education. Barb has spoken at conferences and taught classes throughout the U.S. on topics including faith, relationships, leadership, and courage through trials. Her book, Using What’s Broken to Boldly Shine, is a powerful read on transformation through adversity. Her blog focuses on providing people with everyday encouragement and strength. Barb serves as the Executive Director for The Dented Fender Ministry and runs a successful real estate and development company. She and her husband currently reside in Dayton, Ohio.
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